
Grantee Media Kit

SC Bar Foundation Grantee Media Kit

Congratulations on your grant from the SC Bar Foundation!

Your organization and the services you provide are important and worthy of media attention. Publicity and media coverage will help ensure the success of the funded project, your organization, and the SC Bar Foundation. To help you communicate the impact of your work, we have provided this Grant Recipient Media Kit.

The SC Bar Foundation is always interested in capturing the stories of our grantees. Telling your story helps to tell our story! Compelling storytelling helps communicate to our donors the importance of supporting projects and services like yours. We often feature stories of our grantees in our marketing materials, including our digital newsletters, social media, and annual report. If you have a story that you would like to share, please contact Olivia Jones, Executive Director, at

The following materials are intended for the use of SC Bar Foundation grantees and will help you get the recognition your project and organization deserve. Here are some suggested ways to announce your grant award:


Please acknowledge the SC Bar Foundation’s support with our name and logo in publications, programs, and signage for any event or presentation funded that received grant funding.
Please always use our full name-SC Bar Foundation-when referencing us. Where possible, please include the written acknowledgement below as well as the logo: This grant was made possible by the SC Bar Foundation.
– OR –
This project was funded (or funded in part) by a grant from the SC Bar Foundation.

Logo Use

Below you will find several logo variations. Use whichever best fits your publication. Place the logo upright and do not alter it in any way. Acceptable use of the SC Bar Foundation’s logo includes, but is not limited to: newspaper ads, TV ads; newsletters, postcards, brochures; websites and social media channels.

We encourage you to use the SC Bar Foundation logo whenever it is suitable.Round Seal Color Logo
Round Seal White Logo
Classic Color Logo
Classic White Logo

Press Release

Issue a press release announcing your grant award, always try to include pictures of your organization or program along with the SC Bar Foundation logo and the logo of your organization.

Utilize this sample press release as a guideline.

Consider hosting events to mark your project’s major milestones. Include donors, elected officials, and community leaders in photo opportunities. Invite media to cover the event and distribute a pre- and post-event press release with the newsworthy highlights, as appropriate.

Offline & Online Publications

Feature the grant award in newsletters, e-blasts, social media, donor update letters and on your website. Include a compelling photo of the project or the people you are serving, etc.

Social Media

Follow us on our social media platforms. Please use our handles to tag any grant related posts, photos, and or events.Facebook
Like the SC Bar Foundation’s page and we’ll like your page
Mention @scbarfoundation in grant related posts, photos and events Instagram
Follow SC Bar Foundation and we’ll follow you
Mention @scbarfoundation in grant related posts and photos LinkedIn
Follow SC Bar Foundation and we’ll follow you
Mention @sc-bar-foundation in grante related posts and photos

Your Website

Create a link on your website to our website. You can also include our logo where appropriate and reference our logo use details above. Please recognize the SC Bar Foundation’s support on any project-related web pages and in any announcements or other materials funded by this grant. In the case of multiple funders, the SC Bar Foundation should be included in your list of funders.

Our Name and Organizational Description

Please use “SC Bar Foundation” when referring to the organization. When including a description, please use the following:

The South Carolina Bar Foundation promotes justice by funding legal access and education. Since 1971, the Bar Foundation has awarded more than $60 million to various law-related organizations throughout South Carolina.

Share your story

The SC Bar Foundation would like to hear how a grant from the SC Bar Foundation helped your organization. If you would like to share your story of impact from a grant at the SC Bar Foundation, please send a narrative, photo or video to us.

The SC Bar Foundation highlights its grantees through the media, on our website and in our digital newsletters.

Photo Opportunities

Take advantage of opportunities to capture and share appealing images. The SC Bar Foundation features grant recipients in our printed publications, on our website, and on our social media pages. Please share your images with us. With advance notice, we can often arrange to attend events or visit programs.