SC Bar Foundation FY 2018 Grant Application

Is your organization looking for funding in the 2018 fiscal year?

The mission of the SC Bar Foundation is to promote justice by funding legal access and education. The goal of the Foundation is to provide grants to organizations in these three categories:

  1. Civil legal services to indigents in South Carolina;
  2. Law related education to the public in South Carolina and
  3. Administration of justice in South Carolina.


  • Applicants must qualify as a tax-exempt non-profit organization pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) or related section of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Provide civil legal service to indigents in South Carolina.
  • Provide law related education to the public in South Carolina.
  • Improve the administration of justice in South Carolina.

Click here to learn more and apply.

Support the Wilburn Brewer, Jr. Memorial Professionalism Fund

When Wilburn Brewer died from cancer in 2003, Nexsen Pruet, the law firm where he spent his entire legal career, created The Wilburn Brewer, Jr. Memorial Professionalism Fund. This fund is held and administered by the South Carolina Bar Foundation.

The funds received are earmarked to support professionalism initiatives determined by the Chief Justice’s Commission on the Profession to support the principles promoted by Wilburn during his lifetime. This fund raising effort was the idea of former Bar President G. Dewey Oxner, who served on the Commission with Wilburn, and was the first Vice-Chair of the Commission until his death. Dewey led the effort, and established the original goal of $100,000. To date, $86,132 has been raised. Achieving this goal would be a fitting tribute to Wilburn Brewer, and to Dewey Oxner, both of whom were so committed to professionalism and the work of the Commission during their lifetimes.

As we approach year end, please help us to meet the goal Dewey established to support the Commission on the Profession through The Brewer Memorial Fund. Checks should be made payable to the S.C. Bar Foundation- Brewer Fund, and sent to the SC Bar Foundation, P.O. Box 608, Columbia, SC 29202.

The Giving Month

December is a time of presents, holiday travel, family and friends. It is also the month that most charitable giving takes place, actually, about 31% of charitable giving happens in the month of December {}.

By giving to The South Carolina Bar Foundation, you are impacting communities all across South Carolina. This past year we were able to support 22 organizations that make a daily impact on the people they serve. Below is a list of our grantees based on their geographical region.


Upstate Mediation Center
South Carolina YMCA Youth in Government


Midlands Mediation Center
Richland County CASA
SC Access to Justice Commission
SC Appleseed Legal Justice Center
SC Bar Law Related Education
SC Bar Public Services Division (Ask-A-Lawyer)
SC Center For Fathers & Families
South Carolina Victim Assistance Network, Inc.
South Carolina Legal Services
USC Pro Bono Program


Catholic Charities Office of Immigration Services
Center for Heirs’ Property Preservation
Charleston Legal Access
Charleston Pro Bono Legal Services
Citizens Opposed to Domestic Abuse
Lowcountry Legal Volunteers
One80 Place
Turning Leaf Project

Out of State

National Judicial College


#Giving Tuesday

You have probably heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday but have you heard of #GivingTuesday? #GivingTuesday is the kickoff to the giving season that takes place nationwide on November 29. Since its inaugural year in 2012, #GivingTuesday has become a movement that celebrates and supports giving and philanthropy with events throughout the year and a growing catalog of resources.

This year, we ask that you consider participating in #GivingTuesday by giving to the South Carolina Bar Foundation. The Foundation’s mission is to promote justice by funding legal access and education. Every year the Foundation provides grants to organizations that support this mission. In the 2016 – 2017 fiscal year, the Foundation was able to give away grants to 22 organizations. With your support, we are able to provide more grants to current and new organizations that are effecting change in your communities. To learn about the organizations that the Foundation supports, click here.

On November 29, we hope we can count on you to participate in #GivingTuesday.